The story of Direct Lenders, LLC is one filled with many different experiences. Some good, some not so good. Although times haven't always been perfect, the company takes pride in the fact that the values within the company have always remained the same.
As time has rolled on, we have continued to put our borrowers first and make sure that our local lender mentality stays at the front of who we are no matter how big our company becomes. Three main values define our company. Understanding, honesty, and kindness sing throughout our building on a regular basis. Not a day goes by that we neglect the values that have carried us so far.
When we show up to work our focus is serving those that trust us with their need for financial support. A lot of what makes that possible is being an outstanding listener so that there are no holes in understanding. Everybody knows the famous saying about living in others' shoes, and that's how we approach our business. We understand people and their situations because we know what it means to be people. The company knows that there is no room for judgement as we all are faced with different situations. As an equal opportunity lender, we do exactly that. We give every person an opportunity to get the financing they need. Those that we can't provide services to we make sure to help them in any way possible. The hope is that we can give suggestions to help them get to where they need to be for future references.
The foundation of all relationships is trust. At the initial moment a borrower or agent shows interest in Direct Lenders, LLC we provide nothing but honesty. If our borrowers and agents don't trust us, then we are setting ourselves up for failure. We strive to be a genuine company filled with good-honest people. There are times that telling the truth is sometimes painful and can be very hard to do, but our goal is to tell the truth and find a solution for any problem that may be present. Our communities will never be lied to because being dishonest isn't how we roll. We want to build relationships, not break them.
There are tons of advertisements and companies that focus on one concept and that's kindness. Direct Lenders, LLC is proud to be kind to people. There is a lot of bad and hate that is spread through the world, so why not value kindness and display it to all. Inside and outside of our company we take a step back and make sure that all situations are handled with kindness. Does this mean we are perfect? No, but that doesn't mean we can't try to be. Every person can relate to the fact that we have been rude or not so nice to people for various reasons, but in the end, it does no good. Kindness is a simple concept to help bring joy to somebody's life even when they aren't asking for it. We never know when our acts of kindness can save somebody on the verge of breaking. Being kind is cool!
These three values are what defines Direct Lenders, LLC. If you are still skeptical then come see for yourself. Better yet, call (877) 455-0440 and just chat with one of our phenomenal team members. We look forward to getting to know you and hopefully providing you with anything we can do to help.