Finance Your Home In 2022

The new year is here and everybody in the mortgage industry is eager to jump right into it with a ton of opportunities for borrowers.

All of us found ourselves in awe how low interest rates were these past two years and how high the price of homes escalated. We want to help you finance your home with confidence in 2022.

Many people are concerned that the previous years records are leading us to problems, but that's not true. Our industry was redesigned after 2008 to make sure that a collapse won't happen in that same manner.

Every year we tend to jot down some resolutions. We know that number one on that list should be to finance your home with Direct Lenders, LLC.

Loan Officer Brent Hancock

Brent Hancock

Loan Officer


Anybody eligible to legally buy a home should count on Direct Lenders, LLC to do the best job to provide the right financing. If you don't know where to start then that is more of a reason to contact Direct Lenders, LLC. We are always happy to help anybody who needs it.


There is an overwhelming amount of ways you can go when trying to find the perfect loan program. If you are the proactive type and try to do everything on your own bravo, but it is okay to have a little help. Now, if you are a little more reliant on others then that is perfect as well. Direct Lenders can help any person get what they need. We offer Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA loan programs.


As soon as you think you want to buy a home then let's get the ball rolling as soon as possible. The best thing you can do is be proactive and get your pre-qualification or even better your pre-approval as you start to hunt for your home. If you are in a rush then understand Direct Lenders, LLC is one of the fastest in the industry and can get you the clear-to-close in as few as 14 business days.


As a dominant mortgage lender in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Utah we can help any individual in need of a mortgage that is located within these states. Our loan officers are experts at helping borrowers to get the perfect loan program that fits their needs. As for our location, you can find us located in Kennesaw, GA.


Many people are scared of a mortgage, but a mortgage is an opportunity for people to afford their dream home. Mortgages aren't a sign of weakness, but they are a sign of being responsible with your money. Even the rich have mortgages. It is important to have a trusted lender that can put you into the right loan program. That's where the Direct Lenders succeed. All of our loan officers have many years of experience to help people the best way possible.

How To Achieve Your Personal Resolutions

  1. Tackle one at a time.
  2. Surround yourself with people and things that'll help you achieve each resolution.
  3. Believe you can do and steer away from frustration.

Direct Lenders, LLC Is Here For You

We all hope that you are able to exceed your New Year resolutions. Remember, if you slip up on your goals that you dust yourself off and keep trying. Believe in yourself this new year!

Call us at (877) 455-0440 and let us know if there is anything we can do for you. If you know anybody that needs financing then choose a local lender and let us take care of them. We really appreciate the opportunity.